Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Black magic women

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Seeing how many people chose June as Blogger Giveaway month, I am hardly to blame for wanting to keep it up with big names like Robert from the "Fantasy Book Critic", who outdid himself with a rapid succession of all sorts of giveaways. I am still a bit pouty that he does the good stuff for US residents, only, but well the post office is a greedy something. Theresa from "The Fantasy and Sci-fi Lovin' Book Reviews" throws her books around to people, the same manner a model would wave at her admirers. Although I host this one on my own blog "Temple Library Reviews" I wanted to snag some spot light and the generous Theresa graciously offered some and besides it was high time I cross posted something. Stay tuned for the review as well.

Being moved by this spirit I officially start my giveaway of "Black Magic Woman", which I reviewed one post earlier to keep it fresh for everybody. Rules are pretty simple and standard and for all of the hard core players in the giveaway business it's going to be a breeze:

1. You can either comment here on this post or write me a nice e-mail at likenion(at)gmail(dot)com with subject title "Giveaway – Black magic Woman".

2. Only one entry per person, if someone decides to play unfair, I will disqualify him and maybe send some spam along his way (just joking really, but the possibility is deliciously evil)

3. You have a whole week, so mark July 4th in red, because after then you get nadda and because of the whole time zone thing I will wait for midnight US time, even though that means Saturday morning for me. Yeah, I am from the future.

4. Have fun and if you win, stay in touch, because after 48 hours and no answer I will have to choose another winner.

So, this is it. Have fun all!

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