Beth over at Beth Fish Reads is the host for Weekend Cooking. What is this? Here are some details:
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I recently read and posted a book here at Just Books called Ladies of Liberty by Cokie Roberts. It is the second book in a series of books about our first years as a country and the women behind the men that found our country. Her first book is Founding Mothers and was a very good book. You can find both of these books at Amazon.com. I read it a few years ago. There is lots of information in both books to help you figure out who is who and to whom they are all married to. Ladies of Liberty also has some recipes at the back of the book. One is from Nelly Custis Lewis. She is the granddaughter of Martha Washington. I haven't actually tried any of the recipes, but this one sounds so much like my mom's recipe, which has been lost over the years, that I am going to give it try. It's called Potato Fritters. We just called them Potato Patties.

Potato Fritters
Beat the yolks of 6 eggs very light, add to them a quart of milk, boil as many Irish potatoes as will make a quart, skin & amp; beat them very fine, put them into the milk & amp; eggs, & amp; thicken with flour, the thickness of common ritter batter, beat all till very light. Fry in lard as common fritters.
I don't think my mothers recipe called for so much milk and any kind of potato would probably do for this recipe. I will probably mess around with this recipe a bit to get it to my liking. For one I don't think I would use lard. Oil would do the job.
Have you found a great recipe in a book to share? Head over to Beth's and share it with everyone.
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