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"Kit's Wilderness" by David Almond
(from inside flap)
"It was very deep, Kit. Very dark. And every one of us was scared of it. As a lad I'd wake up trembling, knowing that as a Watson born in Stoneygate I'd soon be following my ancestors into the pit," so Kit's grandfather tells him.
The Watson family moves to Stoneygate, an old coal-mining town, to care for Kit's recently widowed grandfather. When Kit meets John Askew, another boy whose family had both worked and died in the mines, Askew invites Kit to join him to play a game called Death. As Kit's grandfather provides stories of the mine's past and the history of the Watson family, the boys search the mines to find the childhood ghosts of their long-gone ancestors.
Written in haunting prose and lyrical language, Kit's Wilderness explores the bonds of family from one generation to the next, and how from the depths of darkness, meaning and beauty can be revealed.
# Reading level: Young Adult
# Hardcover: 240 pages
# Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers; First American Edition edition (November 10, 2009)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0385326653
# ISBN-13: 978-0385326650
MY THOUGHTS: This book has been on my TBR list for awhile. But for some reason just kept putting it off. I'm sorry I didn't read it sooner. It's a very good book and very moving in it's effect. Some parts of the book are very depressing, but it has it's moments of happiness and love. The stories that Kit writes relate to the main story so much it's uncanny. Mr. Almond did a great job getting is thoughts down and for me to understand what it was he was telling about in this book. It's all about family and love.

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