Friday, August 15, 2014


This book is for 6 of my reading challenges.
100+ Challenge
52 Books in 52 Weeks[WK. 7]
Countdown to 2010[2007]
2010 Global Challenge[Europe]
Monthly Mixer Melee
Colorful Challenge[Blue]

"13 Little Blue Envelopes" by Maureen Johnson
Product Description[]
Inside little blue envelope 1 are $1,000 and instructions to buy a plane ticket.
In envelope 2 are directions to a specific London flat.
The note in envelope 3 tells Ginny: Find a starving artist.
Because of envelope 4, Ginny and a playwright/thief/ bloke–about–town called Keith go to Scotland together, with somewhat disastrous–though utterly romantic–results. But will she ever see him again?
Everything about Ginny will change this summer, and it's all because of the 13 little blue envelopes.
# Reading level: Young Adult
# Paperback: 352 pages
# Publisher: HarperTeen; First Edition edition (September 26, 2006)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0060541431
# ISBN-13: 978-0060541439

MY THOUGHTS: Would you get on an airplane with no explanation and travel around the world? I wouldn't! This is what Ginny does. Her Aunt Peg has died and left her 13 Blue Envelopes. So Ginny gets on the plane and heads to England not knowing what she is going to find. In each envelope Ginny is off to another location. And she doesn't know what she's looking for. But everything works out fine. This is a really good book. You should read it! Not to mention, don't you love that book cover!


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