DC's 100-Page Super Spectacular 1972
I saw this over at Diversions of the Groovy Kind: Groove's Faves: 100-Page Super Spectacular DC-14 and a Happy New Year! about DC's 100-Page Super Sp…Read More
Superman 1976
This one is from Superman #301. They had a lot of letters for that issue and used an additional page for them.…Read More
The Joker 1975Who says only the heroes get to be stars? In 1975 The Joker got to star in his own series. It was a short run but a fun book to read. Here is what the…Read More
Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane 1967
By the time 1967 rolled around Lana Lang was an important character in many of the Superman titles. Espically in Lois Lane's book. She was so importa…Read More
Superman 1974
In the early 70's when DC comics started publishing the original Captain Marvel again. Some readers were debating on if he was better then Superman. …Read More
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