Shaz has been very supportive of me and my relatively new blog and I am very grateful – her blog is fab, really stylish with great book reviews.
The rules of the award are
1. & nbsp;Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Send it onto fifteen other bloggers you appreciate and let them know you have awarded it to them.
Seven Things About Me & nbsp;
1. I worked in a bank for 13 years, retrained as a Nursery Nurse and then worked in a secondary school.
2. I have two dogs an English Bulldog and a black Labrador.
3. I am an Open University student although having a gap year or two at the moment!
4. I am taking my motorbike test soon. & nbsp;
5. I have been learning French for years but don't think I'll ever master it!
6. I'm a Chelsea fan.
7. When I was a child I had a pony called "Oh Be Joyful" or "Oh Be" for short (He was already named when I got him)
The fifteen blogs I would love to pass this onto are:
Lou Graham's blog & nbsp;
(Special thanks to Lou who has been really supportive and has been my personal helpline for blog queries!)
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